Sunday, September 25, 2011

Activity Let Down

Unfortunately I am unable to take my students to an art museum due to school funds.  I am really disappointed!  However, I came up with this really awesome other idea in order for them to still have the same amount of fun and educational experience.  I found some of the same artwork that the students would have been able to see at the museum online.  I used the poster making machine in the graphics lab to make the images larger.  I then posted them all around the room to make our own museum.  I found a virtual field trip online that I could have used my Smart Board for, but instead I thought that my students would enjoy their own museum in the classroom seeing how it would be more hands on and moving than sitting and watching the virtual field trip.  I feel that they sit and listen to teachers speak all day long that they would rather be up moving around and exploring.  Plus when you turn the lights out for videos and other related activities, the students tend to become more tired and not focus.  Although, during the virtual field trip, the students would have the oportunity to have a 3D experience on the different pieces of art rather than the flat visual aid with the posters.  I feel that either the school museum option or the virtual field trip both have their ups and downs so either of them would be a great choice.

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